Safe to school - start of school 2023

sicher zur Schule
Safe to school - start of school 2023
The summer vacations ended in August 2023 and many new pupils started their first classes in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district. The first day of school marks the start of a new phase of life for children. This also includes the journey to school.

Children perceive road traffic very differently. They cannot judge speeds and distances in the same way as adults, cannot yet see over cars and are recognized very late or not at all by other road users. They underestimate dangers, react impulsively and often unpredictably. In addition, children can be distracted very easily and quickly lose their attention to road traffic, especially in a group.

A safe journey to school is the focus of our road safety work in order to make road accidents more avoidable. As early as kindergarten age, we train simple safety elements together with the children in a clear, playful and child-friendly way. However, the topic of "safe journeys to school" is not just a matter for parents and children - every road user should behave considerately and with foresight to ensure that pupils have a safe journey to school.

For parents:

There are many reasons to prepare children for the journey to school in good time. Don't wait until the first day of school. Take the opportunity early on and explore the safest route to school together with your child. Please note: the safest route is not always the shortest. If necessary, make small detours for the sake of safety. Look out for traffic lights, crosswalks, central islands, etc. and avoid places that are parked up or densely overgrown with bushes or shrubs if possible.

Practice correct behavior at potential danger spots such as construction sites, parked vehicles, shared footpaths and cycle paths, etc.

Practice crossing the road correctly: stop at the kerb, look twice in all directions and take the shortest route across the road. But don't run - your child could trip and fall onto the road. Important: Your child will not be able to judge the distance of an approaching vehicle properly at first. Therefore, only really cross the road when there is no vehicle in sight.

Let your child decide for themselves when to cross the road during such exercises. You can still intervene in an emergency, but it is important for your child to learn to judge for themselves when it is safe to cross the road.

For the darker months: make your child highly visible. The number of road accidents on the way to school increases in the winter months. Bright clothing, reflectors, high-visibility vests etc. can provide your child with additional protection.

For road users:

As a car driver, motorcyclist or cyclist, use your experience to show consideration and be patient - everyone starts small.

Obey the traffic rules so that children can learn from you. As a role model, you can set an example of correct behavior. With a little self-discipline and the necessary calm, you can help prevent accidents.

Signals, such as the "headlight flasher", are often not properly understood by children. In most cases, the child only sees a supposedly defective light of the car and not the well-intentioned indication that they can cross the road. The same applies when a car approaches slowly without actually stopping, for example at a crosswalk. The child is taught not to cross the road under any circumstances when a car is approaching. Accordingly, please simply stop early in such cases, even if this means a brief inconvenience for you.


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