Media agency KreativRealisten
Residential burglary
A break-in can change your life. Therefore "Secure your home - so that it stays your home" and watch out for suspicious persons/situations. In the event of suspicion, call the police immediately on 110. Get neutral and free advice on burglary protection from your police!
SKALA is the crime forecasting system for property crime in NRW. A key component of this is so-called predictive policing. Three short video clips explain what this actually is.
Minister Reul: "Citizens should be able to inform themselves about the risk in their neighborhood. That sharpens their senses and prevents risks.
The independently developed predictive policing software SKALA (System for Crime Analysis and Situation Anticipation) is a data-analytical forecasting technique that is certainly one of the most exciting police topics.
Proximity to the highway has no influence on the choice of crime scenes in large cities.
This is one of the findings of Europe's most comprehensive research project on residential burglary (WED). The results go beyond the previously known data.
The KKF's basic report on the WED research project ...
A burglary can change your life. That's why "Secure your home - so that it stays your home." Against burglars and for safety and security within your own four walls. Lock up!
How do you protect your property from crime? In addition to detailed information, you will find addresses of companies that professionally install security technology here.
The NRW police recommend SmartHome systems as a supplement to mechanical burglary protection.
Die Planung von Wohnraum kann sowohl das Sicherheitsempfinden positiv beeinflussen als auch dazu beitragen, Tatgelegenheiten und somit Kriminalität zu reduzieren.
Here you will find monthly updates on developments in selected crime areas.
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