Burglar radar

Burglar radar
of the Rhein-Berg police

The current overview of residential burglaries in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district in the week from 19.07. - 26.07.2024 for the
northern and southern districts can be downloaded in PDF format on the right-hand side.

Residential burglary radar

The RheinBerg police provide information on the distribution of residential burglaries in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district.

The RheinBerg police want people to feel safe in their own four walls. This includes keeping you informed about the ongoing development of burglary crime in the district.

To give you an overview of where burglaries have occurred in your town or municipality, we provide you with overview maps (residential burglary radar) showing the residential burglaries (including attempts) of the past week. The exact streets and house numbers of the crime scenes are not visible for data protection reasons.

In addition to the residential burglary radar, we also report on residential burglaries in press releases. These provide further details on individual crimes, crime scenes and possible suspects.

"Secure your home - be alert - call 110!" These are the key recommendations for all citizens in the fight against home burglars. Further information on the prevention campaign "Riegel vor! Safe is safer" can be found on the right under Links.

If you have any suspicious observations, call the emergency number 110 as soon as possible. If you have any information about other crimes, please contact the police on 02202 205-0. We are dependent on your support. An attentive neighborhood contributes to protection in the district.

For further information on burglary protection and to arrange appointments for advice, please contact the crime prevention/victim protection department. Appointments can be made by calling 02202 205-444.

The maps are provided by the Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis district police authority.

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Translated with DeepL.com (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110